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Showing posts with the label #Dervied metric using attributes #derivedmetricsusingattribute

Derived metric based on attribute values

Derived metric based on attribute values Here is how could create and display data correctly on using below simple steps.  Create a report with Category, Subcategory and Revenue. Create New Metric in a report or VI.  Case((Category@ID = 1), Revenue, 0) Booksand Name it as Revenue for  where 2 is Category ID for "Books"  Report will display result as below.  Result for new metric is blank. Now to fix this create a new Derived metric on Category attribute first with formula as  Max(Category) {~ }  and calling Books Now Edit the "Revenue for Books metric and Replace Category@ID with this new Books metric formula would looks like this  Case((Books = 1), Revenue, 0).  Report result would now display as expected as shown below