Create Email Subscription in Microstrategy
Creates an email subscription.
Do not include any leading or trailing spaces in the ANSWER parameters. This causes a SQL error and prevents the command from executing.
Ex: CREATE EMAILSUBSCRIPTION "New Multi Users" FOR OWNER "administrator" SCHEDULE "Books Closed" CONTACTGROUP "TEST" CONTENT "Electronics Revenue by Region" IN FOLDER "\Public Objects\REPORTS\SUBJECT Areas\Sales and Profitability Analysis" IN PROJECT "MicroStrategy Tutorial" DELIVERYFORMAT HTML EXPIRATIONDATE NEVER EXPRIED FILENAME "file_name" SUBJECT "Test REPORT" MESSAGE "Please Test";
CREATE EMAILSUBSCRIPTION [subscription_name] [FOR OWNERlogin_name] SCHEDULEschedule_name (ADDRESSaddress_name| USERuser_name | CONTACTcontact_name[ADDRESS contact_address_name] | CONTACTGROUPcontact_group_name) CONTENT (report_or_document_nameIN FOLDER location_name | GUID report_or_document_guid) [CONTENTTYPE (REPORT | DOCUMENT)] IN PROJECTproject_name DELIVERYFORMAT (HTML | CSV FILENAME filename | PLAINTEXT FILENAME filename [TEXTDELIMITER (COMMA | SPACE | TAB | SEMICOLON | COLON | OTHER custom_delimiter)] | EXCEL FILENAME filename | PDF FILENAME filename | FLASH FILENAME filename) [COMPRESSCONTENTS [PROTECTZIPFILE ZIPFILENAMEzip_file_name ZIPFILEPASSWORDzip_file_passwordEXPIRATIONDATEmm/dd/yyyy]]] FILENAMEfile_name SUBJECTsubject [MESSAGEmessage] [INCLUDELINK (TRUE|FALSE)] [HISTORYLINKWEBSERVERhistorylinkwebserver] [SENDPREVIEWNOW(TRUE|FALSE)] [SENDTOHISTORYLIST(TRUE|FALSE)] [ [PROMPT prompt_name1 ANSWER prompt_answer1 [, PROMPT prompt_name2 ANSWER prompt_answer2 [, .. PROMPT prompt_namen ANSWER prompt_answern]]];
- subscription_name is the name of the subscription
- login_name is the login name of the subscription owner
- schedule_name is the name of the schedule
- address_name is the name of the address
- user_name is the name of the user or group
- contact_name is the name of the contact
- contact_address_name is the name of the contact address
- contact_group_name is the name of the contact or group
- report_or_document_name isthe name of the report or document
- location_name is the name of the folder where the report or document resides
- report_or_document_guid is the GUID of the report or document
- project_name is the name of theproject where the report or document resides
- zip_file_name is the name of the zip file (for compression purposes)
- zip_file_password is the password of the zip file
- mm/dd/yyyy is expiration date for the zip file
- file_name is the name of the file
- custom_delimiter is the single character used as a custom text delimiter
- subject is the subject of the email
- message isthe body message of the email
- historylinkwebserver is the "base URL" to the email subscription
- prompt_name1..n are the names of prompts in the report or document
- prompt_answer1..n are the answers to the corresponding prompts
An awesome blog for the freshers. Thanks for posting this information.
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