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HyperIntelligence and its Architecture

HyperIntelligence and its Architecture

When you open a web page the extension automatically scans web pages in your browser and underlines keywords that you can hover over to trigger cards. Cards present predefined KPIs associated with a selected keyword sourced securely from MicroStrategy.

This feature is similar to what we see in web pages particularly stock related web sites. 
MicroStrategy introduced HyperCards, a new object that is built, managed, and deployed using MicroStrategy Workstation(Not by using Developer or Desktop as far as I know). Cards can be consumed in a web browser via the MicroStrategy HyperIntelligence Chrome extension and on iOS devices via the MicroStrategy HyperMobile app. This feature can help the users to inject Zero-Click Intelligence (as it requires the users to hover only and no need to click!) about customers, products, people, and more directly onto words within websites or web application or emails. This feature can display the content through the mobile devices to bring answers through relevant, context-based analytics.
HyperIntelligence assists the users to find a report without logging into the environment and then allows to locate relevant information. It brings answers directly to you through contextualized text analytics that is as simple as hovering over a highlighted word.
HyperIntelligence can be an interesting and exciting feature for all levels of report/analytics users as they can see the reports as they type on in emails as below:

Salient features of HyperIntelligence:
  • Enables the text analytics that is as simple as hovering over a highlighted word in your email or web browser.
  • HyperIntelligence automatically scans every web page and underlines relevant keywords. Hover over a highlighted word to see insights in real-time.
  • Each card can seamlessly combine information from multiple enterprise assets and applications.
  • The extension supports multiple cards for different use cases. Each card can point to a different keyword. Simply click the extension icon to see the list of available cards or toggle individual cards on or off.
  • By default, the extension will work with any web-based content, however it is possible to blacklist individual websites - disabling the extension's functionality.
Microstrategy 2019 enhances the HypeIntelligence features further by introducing vision voice screen etc with the the new features like Hypevoice, Hyperscreen and Hypervision.


This feature allows the users to ask questions to get instant answers through voice commands in a similar fashion as you interact with Alexa. MicroStrategy integration with Amazon Alexa or Google Home (Not sure about Apple Homepod integration) to turn analytics applications into a voice-enabled personal coach. Which could boost productivity by blending insights into existing workflows. Developers can leverage MSTR APIs to integrate with voice-controlled applications like Amazon Alexa and Google Home. With MSTR-developed NLG and voice recognition mechanisms, it could be easy to get answers to the business questions on the way to the next meeting. By integrating with voice technology or chatbots, it’s easy to deliver the right data, fast.
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Hyperscreen enables the personalized insights on every wall(screen) you walk through. It can turn a screen into a dynamic, intelligent display that presents a personalized view of information based on who is standing nearby. It uses the new feature called Digital Identity to transform offices and facilities into spaces that inspire data-driven collaboration and action.


Here, the magic comes by embedding analytics with virtual reality. Hold up your device for an augmented reality experience that overlays insights on objects and surroundings. Use image recognition to scan products and check inventory, or use GPS location to get an instant customer brief as you walk into your meeting.


The above workflow can be described as:

  • HypeIntelligence extension from Google Chrome browser submits a REST API request to MicroStrategy cubes by requesting topic(attributes!) and metrics.Data received from MSTR cubes to the browser is cached.
  • When the user open the browser and opens a web page or types text in emails or open emails. 
  • The extension finds matches and highlights those matching keywords.
  • Users hovers the highlighted keyword.
  • Extension displays the hypercard as designed.
  • Once the extension gets the data it caches the data and display the data in Hypercards whenever a user hovers on the key word highlighted.
 Deliver Zero-Click Intelligence
 Combine Information from Multiple Systems
 Support Multiple Cards
 Blacklist Individual Websites

The architecture for HyperIntelligence is similar to MicroStrategy Library. MicroStrategy Library is a client application running on a desktop browser or a mobile device, whereas HyperIntelligence is currently only available as a Chrome browser extension
If we compare this architecture with the old Microstratgey architecture we see the additional component of MicroStrategy Library which makes all the magic of HyperIntelligence.
 Single node architecture

Multi Node Architecture:

Comparison between Single node i-server and multi node i-server:

HyperIntelligence Workflow 

Hover effects won’t work on mobile devices because there’s no mouse cursor. To overcome this MSTR has handled mobile links with high color and shape contrast on them so that user will know where to tap. So that it displays the cards.
I have not yet explored this feature when the email goes to external users and the data level security(security filters) work as we are not passing any security filters.Handling of row level security on the cards is still a mystery!


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