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Prompt-in-prompt (nested prompt) in a FreeForm SQL Report in MicroStrategy

Prompt-in-prompt (nested prompt) feature in a FreeForm SQL Report in MicroStrategy

 The following procedure describes how to achieve prompt-in-prompt in a Freeform SQL report in MicroStrategy Tutorial project:
  1. Create a new filter, select Add an Attribute qualification and choose the highest level attribute Country. Make sure to Qualify On: Elements. Click Prompt as the image shown below. Accept all the default values without any changes in the popped up window after clicking on "Prompt" as shown below. Save the filter as "Country Filter".

  2. Click "Prompt", choose "Use a filter to reduce the number of elements" option and select Country Filter created in last step, as shown below. Save the filter as "Region Filter".

  3. Select Filter definition prompt -> Choose from an attribute element list as shown below.

    Choose attribute Call Center and use the Region Filter created in the previous step. Accept the other default values. Save the prompt as "Call Center Prompt".
  4. Create a FreeForm SQL Report and add this nested prompt into it.
    Type SQL statement and insert Call Center Prompt created in the previous step.
  5. Save and run the report. It will prompt for Country, Region and Call Center one by one in different pages. As images below.

Versions: 10.7;10.6;10.5;10.4;10.3;10.2;10.1;10.0;9.5.1;9.4.1


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