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Loading Intelligent Cubes when Intelligence Server Starts

Loading Intelligent Cubes when Intelligence Server Starts

When Intelligence Server is started there are various tasks that are processed to prepare a reporting environment. You can include loading all published Intelligent Cubes as one of the tasks completed when Intelligence Server is started. This affects when the load time required for Intelligent Cubes occurs.

Below are the steps to enable or disable loading Intelligent Cubes when Intelligence Server starts

  1. In Developer, log in to a project with a user account with administrative privileges.
  2. Right-click the project and select Project Configuration.
  3. Expand Intelligent Cubes, and then select General.
  4. Select or clear the Load Intelligent cubes on startup check box to enable or disable loading Intelligent Cubes when Intelligence Server starts.
  5. Click OK.

It is always useful to consider whether to load Intelligent Cubes at Intelligence Server startup or when a report is executed that accesses a published Intelligent Cube are described in the table below:

Loading Intelligent Cubes when Intelligence Server starts
  • Report runtime performance for reports accessing Intelligent Cubes is optimized since the Intelligent Cube for the report has already been loaded.
  • This practice is a good option if Intelligent Cubes are commonly used in a project.
  • The overhead experienced during Intelligence Server startup is increased due to the processing of loading Intelligent Cubes.
  • All Intelligent Cubes for a project are loaded into Intelligence Server memory, regardless of whether they are used by reports or not.
Loading Intelligent Cubes when a report is executed that accesses a published Intelligent Cube
  • The overhead experienced during Intelligence Server startup is decreased as compared to including loading Intelligent Cubes as part of the startup tasks.
  • If Intelligent Cubes are not required by any reports, then they do not need to be loaded into Intelligence Server and no overhead is experienced.
  • This practice is a good option if Intelligent Cubes are supported for a project, but some of the Intelligent Cubes are rarely used in the project.
  • Report runtime performance for reports accessing Intelligent Cubes can be negatively affected as the Intelligent Cube must first be loaded into Intelligence Server.

    You can also load Intelligent Cubes manually or with subscriptions after Intelligence Server is started.
The procedure below describes how to enable or disable loading Intelligent Cubes when Intelligence Server starts.
The act of loading an Intelligent Cube can require memory resources in the area of two times greater than the size of an Intelligent Cube. This can affect performance of your Intelligence Server as well as the ability to load the Intelligent Cube.


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