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Activate MicroStrategy Geospatial Services

Activate MicroStrategy Geospatial Services

MicroStrategy 10.11 introduces our new mapping capability: MicroStrategy Geospatial Services, powered by Mapbox. This enhanced map visualization is available for dossiers on all interfaces including MicroStrategy Desktop, Workstation, Web and Library (Mobile included). With MicroStrategy Geospatial Services, MicroStrategy now offers advanced geospatial analytics features that allow users to get more out of their location data. This new feature is available in addition to the out-of-the-box ESRI maps.

MicroStrategy Geospatial Services allows users to:

  • Plot polygon shapes for most countries, down to the zip code level
  • Perform powerful interaction between layers (progressively hide or show data layers as zoom levels change)
  • Identify and resolve location name conflicts
  • Add thresholds to data points, size markers for metrics, and color by for both attributes and metrics
  • Fine tune clustering behavior when aggregating data on a map
  • Use mapping across all devices
  • Rotate or tilt the map, and zoom in or out more fluidly than ever before. 
  • Reset map to original zoom level with just one click
  • Use 10 different basemap styles to best visualize information
MicroStrategy Geospatial Services will be available as an add-on service, however you can use the trial version to test this service out. Follow the steps below to get started.

Note: The steps below are not necessary for MicroStrategy Workstation and MicroStrategy Desktop. MicroStrategy Geospatial Services is automatically enabled in these.


Before configuring cloud-based MicroStrategy Geospatial maps, obtain a key by following the steps below:

  • Navigate to the MicroStrategy Download site
  • Locate the Request Geospatial key button above the products session and click on Mapbox Key :
User-added image 
  • Each key is DSI specific. On the next screen, select the DSI you want, then click the Generate Geospatial Service key button. The key will show up on the screen and will also be emailed to you. If there is a problem retrieving your key online, a Technical Support case will be opened automatically on your behalf and a Technical Support engineer will follow up with you.
User-added image

  • Browse to the mapConfig.xml file for MicroStrategy web, located by default in the \MicroStrategy\WEB ASPx\WEB-INF\xml\config folder
  • Edit the mapConfig.xml file in any text editor and enter the key obtained from the section above into the configuration file between the <tk> nodes under Mapbox configuration section, like shown below:
User-added image
  • Browse to the mapConfig.xml file, or MicroStrategy Library, located by default in the \MicroStrategyLibrary\WEB-INF\xml\config folder
  • Edit the mapConfig.xml file in any text editor and enter the key obtained from the section above into the configuration file between the <tk> nodes, like step 2.
  • Restart the web server for the changes to take effect.


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