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Showing posts from April, 2019

Scheduling a report or document to be sent to an FTP in MSTR

Scheduling a report or document to be sent to an FTP server You can have a report or document automatically delivered to a location on your FTP server on a specific schedule. To do so, you must subscribe to the report or document, as described in the steps below. You can customize your subscription by typing macros in the  File Name ,  Sub-folder , or  Zip File Name  fields. These macros are automatically replaced with the appropriate text when the report or document is delivered. For example, you create a subscription to a document. If you type  {&Project}  in the  File Name field, the name of the project in which the document is saved is displayed in the name of the document when it is delivered. • This procedure assumes that an administrator has already added your FTP server as a new device in Developer. Steps to do so are included in the  System Administrator Help . To send a report or document to an FTP server on a schedule ...
Star schemas and aggregate (or summary) fact tables Aggregate tables can further improve query performance by reducing the number of rows over which higher-level metrics must be aggregated.  However, the use of aggregate tables with dimension tables is not a valid physical modeling strategy. Whenever aggregation is performed over fact data, it is a general requirement that tables joined to the fact table must be at the same attribute level or at a higher level. If the auxiliary table is at a lower level, fact rows will be replicated prior to aggregation and this will result in inflated metric values (also known as "multiple counting"). With the above Time dimension table, a fact table at the level of Day functions correctly because there is exactly one row in DIM_TIME for each day. To aggregate the facts to the level of Quarter, it is valid to join the fact table to the dimension table and group by the quarter ID from the dimension table. Sql select DT...

User request is completed. (Ran out of memory)

Unable to Run/Edit particular MicroStrategy reports ue to the following error: User request is completed. (Ran out of memory) User request is completed. (Ran out of memory) The above issue appeared in MSTR Web Universal version 10.5 We tried the below options without any luck: 1. i-server restart 2. Web server restart 3. clear document cache/dataset cache 4. Web server cache clear as below: The correct option is to increase the contract memory settings: Using the Memory Contract Manager The  MCM settings are in the Intelligence Server Configuration Editor, in the  Governing Rules: Default: Memory Settings  category. The  Enable single memory allocation governing  option lets you specify how much memory can be reserved for a single Intelligence Server operation at a time. When this option is enabled, each memory request is compared to the  Maximum single allocation size (MBytes)  setting. If the request ...

Star schemas with MicroStrategy SQL Generation

Considerations for the use of star schemas with MicroStrategy SQL Generation The primary characteristic of star schema is its use of dimension tables rather than single-attribute lookup tables. For example, a Time dimension in a star schema may be supported by a dimension table with the following structure: DAY_ID DAY_DESC MONTH_ID MONTH_DESC QUARTER_ID QUARTER_DESC YEAR_ID By contrast, a snowflake schema has a separate lookup table for each level of a dimension. In a fully normalized snowflake schema, each lookup table contains only its attribute's ID and description columns, and the ID of its parent to facilitate joins up the hierarchy. Lookup tables may also be partially denormalized, in which ID columns of all parents in the dimension are included, or fully denormalized, in which IDs and descriptions of all parents are included. Fully normalized snowflake schema: DAY_ID DAY_DESC MONTH_ID MONTH_ID MONTH_DESC QUARTER_ID QUARTER_ID QUARTER_...

Joint child relationships in MSTR

Joint child relationships Some attributes exist at the intersection of other indirectly related attributes. Such attributes are called  joint children. Joint child relationships connect special attributes that are sometimes called  cross-dimensional attributes, text facts, or qualities. They do not fit neatly into the modeling schemes you have learned about thus far. These relationships can be modeled and conceptualized like traditional attributes but, like facts, they exist at the intersection of multiple attribute levels. Many source systems refer to these special attributes as  flags. Therefore, if flags are referenced in your source system documentation, these are likely candidates for joint child relationships. Joint child relationships are really another type of many-to-many relationship where one attribute has a many-to-many relationship to two otherwise unrelated attributes. For example, consider the relationship between three attributes: Promotion, Ite...