Error. Engine Attribute Role Limit Exceeded! To get rid off this error: (1) Turn off Engine Attribute Role setting in VLDB dialog
Error. Engine Attribute Role Limit Exceeded!
Some times Microstrategy will give the below error when updating the schema after an attribute is created.
MicroStrategy Developer
Error(s) occurred while loading schema: [DFCSCHEMA] Population Exception: The object shown in the following hierarchy no longer exists in schema: -Table LKUP_TEST_FEE_SHIPMENTS error. Engine Attribute Role Limit Exceeded! To get rid off this error: (1) Turn off Engine Attribute Role setting in VLDB dialog; OR (2) Use Table Alias featureDSSSQLEngine: Schema loading error:
Message from GetErrorInfo : Report cache is not found..
Error(s) occurred while loading schema: 63.
This error message means that the table shown in the error text needs to be split into a very large number tables. MicroStrategy has a limitation that only allows one table to be split into no more than 100 tables. The error above is shown when this limitation is surpassed.
When the Engine Attribute Role feature is enabled, for each table in a MicroStrategy metadata, depending on the number of attributes associated with each column in the table, MicroStrategy splits it and creates a table for each combination. This number of tables is therefore calculated by multiplying the number of distinct attributes mapped to each column in the table. An example is shown below:
- C1 represents the number of attributes pointing to Column1;
- C2 represents the number of attributes pointed to Column2;
Table A contains two columns:
- ColA
- ColB
- There are 2 attributes (A1, A2) mapped to ColA;
- There are 3 attributes (A3, A4, A5) mapped to ColA + ColB;
This means that Table A will be split into 6 (3*2) tables for each combination from these 5 attributes. This number cannot be larger than 100, otherwise the issue described above will be reproduced.
There are two ways to address this issue:
1) Create table aliases to separate some attribute groups, this will bring down the splitting to less than 100 tables for each of those aliases.
2) Disable the Engine Attribute Role feature at the database instance level, as shown in the screenshot below and click on OK:
3) Need not restart i-server even if the dialogue says need to restart i-server
Version: This is currently occuring in version 2019 Patch 3 also
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