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Documents with derived attributes cannot be edited within MicroStrategy Developer 10.x

Documents with derived attributes cannot be edited within MicroStrategy Developer 10.x

When trying to edit a document created in MicroStrategy Web using MicroStrategy Developer 10.x, the 'Edit' button is found greyed out and inaccessible as per the screenshot below. When navigating to the same document in MicroStrategy Web 10.x, it is possible to edit the document.
  1. Create a document in MicroStrategy Developer or Web 10.x with any number of attributes. See below:

  2. Notice in Developer, you can currently right click on this document and select the 'Edit' option.
  3. Open up the same document in MicroStrategy Web 10.x and add a derived attribute, right clicking an attribute and selecting Insert new attribute.
  4. Save the report in MicroStrategy Web 10.x with the same name.
  5. Open MicroStrategy Developer 10.x, and right click the document, you will notice that the Edit option is greyed out as seen below:
  6. Navigate to the same document within MicroStrategy Web 10.x and see that we can still Edit this document via MicroStrategy Web:

This is by design for MicroStrategy Developer 10.0-10.5.  Derived Attributes are a Web only feature, and once added, the document will only be editable through MicroStrategy Web.

The ability to edit documents with a Derived Attribute has been added in MicroStrategy Developer 10.6.  Upgrade to this version to take advantage of the new feature.

NOTE: Some MicroStrategy 10.x features are still only configurable through MicroStrategy Web.  Although you can now edit and save documents with these features in Developer, the editing of those particular features will be disabled in Developer.
L_375E.tmp - Windows Photo Viewer_2017-01-11_10-02-31.png

Once a derived attribute has been added to the document, please use MicroStrategy Web or Desktop to edit the document.

The MicroStrategy Internal Reference Number for the issue discussed in this technical note is US22816.


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